Perorangan-Nobu Junior

Nobu Junior

Wise savings for your little ones.

Nobu Junior is a savings account in Rupiah currency specifically designed for your little ones. Opening an account and introducing banking activities for your child will be accompanied by a parent or guardian (companion) who can help monitor your child's banking activities.


Interest Rate

Enticing interest rate

Administration Fee

Free savings administration fees

ATM Card

Free ATM Card administration fees

Nobu Passbook

Nobu Passbook facility as a medium for recording your transactions

Nobu Go Digital

Banking access to check balances, account transfers and transfers via Internet Banking and NOBUNEO

Nobu Debit

Access Nobu Debit on ATM Bersama and Prima


Nobu Debit can be used as payment method at Merchants


Your funds are included in Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS) guarantee program

Terms of Service

  • Fill out Account Opening Application.
  • Children are Indonesian citizens (WNI) and aged < 17 years.
    • Child's Birth Certificate issued in Indonesia.
    • Companion Identity Card.
    • Family Card.
    • Letter of appointment as Guardian if the Companion is not a Parent.

Rates and Services

No Description Cost / Description
1 Initial account opening deposit Rp100.000,-
2 Minimum balance settles Rp25.000,-
3 Minimum next deposit Rp10.000,-
4 Savings administration fee (monthly) Rp2.000,-
5 Nobu Debit administration fee (monthly) Tidak ada
6 Account closing fees Rp25.000,-
7 Interest rate calculation method Calculated from daily balance
8 Payment of interest to the account Setiap tanggal pembukaan rekening (anniversary date)
9 Charging administrative costs Every account opening date (anniversary date)