Perorangan-Nobu Savings Dollar

Nobu Savings Dollar

Foreign currency savings products with various benefits and higher results

Nobu Savings Dollar is a savings account in USD or SGD for individuals, which offers security, ease, and comfort for your banking transactions.


Administration Fee

Free savings administration fees.

Deposits & Withdrawals

Free bank note deposits and withdrawals.

Transaction Dees

Low forex transaction fees.

Forex Exchange Rate

Competitive foreign exchange rates.

Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS)

Your funds are included in Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS) guarantee program.

Terms of Service

  • Attach a valid identity card
  • Indonesian Citizen: Valid identity card in the form of KTP or Passport
  • Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP), if any
  • Sign the statement of foreign exchange ownership
  • Fill out and sign the account opening application
  • Not listed on the Bank Indonesia blacklist which is still valid
  • Deposit funds, at least the nominal amount specified as the initial deposit.
  • Foreign Citizens: Especially for foreign nationals (WNA), must obtain approval from the Board of Directors

* These terms and condition may change at any time according to Bank policy.

Rates and Services

No Transaction Type Fees / Tariffs / Limits
1 Initial account opening deposit USD 100 SGD 200 CNY 500 AUD 100 EUR 100 HKD 500 JPY 100.000
2 Minimum balance in the account USD 50 SGD 100 CNY 200 AUD 100 EUR 100 HKD 500 JPY 0
3 Minimum deposit to account USD 100 SGD 200 CNY 500 AUD 100 EUR 100 HKD 500 JPY 100.000
4 Savings administration fee (monthly) FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE
5 Penalty for balances below the minimum balance/month - - - - - - -
6 Closing savings account USD 5 SGD 10 CNY 30 AUD 10 EUR 10 HKD 10 JPY 0
7 Replacement of books due to damage Rp 20.000 Rp 20.000 Rp 20.000 Rp 20.000 Rp 20.000 Rp 20.000 Rp 20.000
8 Depositing Bank Notes at the counter (1 : 1 facility) Biaya
a. ≤ USD 10.000 / day / account -
b. > USD 10.000 / day / account 0,50%
a. ≤ SGD 10.000 / day / account -
b. > SGD 10.000 / day / account 0,50%
a. ≤ CNY 10.000 / day / account -
b. > CNY 10.000 / day / account 0,25%
a. ≤ AUD 10.000 / day / account -
b. > AUD 10.000 / day / account 0,25%
a. ≤ EUR 10.000 / day / account -
b. > EUR 10.000 / day / account 0,25%
a. ≤ HKD 10.000 / day / account -
b. > HKD 10.000 / day / account 0,25%
a. ≤ JPY 1.000.000 / day / account -
b. > JPY 1.000.000 / day / account 0,25%
9 Depositing Bank Notes at the counter (1 : 1 facility) Biaya
a. ≤ USD 10.000 / day / account -
b. > USD 10.000 / day / account 0,50%
a. ≤ SGD 10.000 / day / account -
b. > SGD 10.000 / day / account 0,50%
a. ≤ CNY 10.000 / day / account -
b. > CNY 10.000 / day / account 0,25%
a. ≤ AUD 10.000 / day / account -
b. > AUD 10.000 / day / account 0,25%
a. ≤ EUR 10.000 / day / account -
b. > EUR 10.000 / day / account 0,25%
a. ≤ HKD 10.000 / hari / rekening -
b. > HKD 10.000 / day / account 0,25%
a. ≤ JPY 1.000.000 / day / account -
b. > JPY 1.000.000 / day / account 0,25%