Nobu Savings & Investment Plan (NSIP)
It is a combination of Term Savings Products and Mutual Fund investment products. Customers can save periodically with a fixed nominal amount according to their individual needs and risk profile for future fund development.
Enticing and competitive interest rates.
Light initial deposit and regular deposits
Choice of investment term
Customers can choose the debit date for regular deposits
Growth in savings balance is in line with the nominal target
Your funds are included in Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS) guarantee program.
Penawaran hadiah langsung pembukaan rekening sesuai program yang berjalan
Offers immediate prizes for opening an account according to the current program
Professional Investment Manager Support
Not a Tax Object
High Liquidity
Low Capital and Costs
Diversification (Sharing) of Risk
Product Variation
Before Investors decide to invest in Mutual Funds, take into account the following possibilities: market risk, default risk, reinvestment risk, liquidity risk and loss. However, this risk can be minimized because Mutual Funds will invest investor funds in various forms of securities portfolios such as shares, bonds and/or money markets which can be adjusted to the investor's risk profile.
Nobu Bank collaborates with professional Investment Managers who have obtained permission from OJK, such as PT Ciptadana Asset Management (CAM). CAM began managing various Mutual Funds since 1991 by investing in equity and fixed income instruments in Indonesia. Investment strategies are designed to suit the financial assets, liabilities and risk profile of each investor. CAM has permission from Bapepam-LK with No. KEP-13/PM/MI/1992 dated 14 April 1992.
Nobu Savings & Investment Plan comes in various combinations of term savings and mutual funds as follows:
Prospectus dan Fund Fact Sheet:
Fee Type | Term Savings | RD Money Market | RD Stock |
Purchase | 0% | Max 2% | |
Break < 6 months | Rp100.000,- | 0% | Max 1% |
Break > 6 months | Rp100.000,- | 0% | 0% |
* Penalty fees may change at any time and will be informed in accordance with applicable regulations
* Term Savings administration fee is IDR 2,500 per month
* Conditions may change at any time according to Bank policy.
The Bank only acts as a Mutual Fund Securities Selling Agent. Mutual Funds are capital market products and are not Bank products so they are not guaranteed by the Bank and are not included in the scope of deposit guarantee program objects by the Deposit Insurance Corporation. Investments through Mutual Funds contain risks. Prospective Investors must first study and understand the prospectus and product provisions including the fees charged, and ask for opinions from competent parties before deciding to invest through Mutual Funds where past performance does not reflect future performance.
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