Perorangan-Nobu Savings Plan

NOBU Savings Plan

Managing savings with certainty to achieve the future

Nobu Savings Plan is a term savings product to achieve future funding targets with an initial deposit system and monthly deposits over a certain period of time.


Interest Rate

Enticing and competitive interest rates.


Light initial deposit and regular deposits

Time period

Choice of savings period

Debit Date

Customers can choose the debit date for regular deposits

Savings Balance

Growth in savings balance is in line with the nominal target

Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS)

Your funds are included in Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS) guarantee program.

Account Opening

Offers immediate prizes for opening an account according to the current program

Terms of Service

  • Initial deposit according to the selected program
  • Complete and sign the program consent form
  • Attach a valid identity card
  • Indonesian Citizens
    Valid identity card such as of KTP or Passport
  • Foreign Citizens
    Valid identity cards such as Passport and KIMS (Kartu Ijin Menetap Sementara/Temporary Residence Permit Card) / KITAS (Kartu Ijin Tinggal Sementara/Temporary Residence Permit Card)

Rates and Services

No Information Fees/Decription
1 Initial account opening deposit In accordance with the mandatory initial deposit for the Nobu Saving Plan program that is followed
2 Minimum balance settles None
3 Minimum next deposit Sesuai dengan setoran wajib program Nobu Saving Plan yang diikuti
4 Monthly administration fee According to the Nobu Savings Plan program
5 Monthly administration fee None
6 Account closing fees
  • Due Date: none
  • Before maturity/debit failure: According to the penalty figure for the NSP program being followed
7 Interest rate calculation method In accordance with the savings interest for the Nobu Saving Plan program that is being followed
8 Payment of interest to the account Every account opening date(anniversary date) monthly