Nobu Giro is a third party fund deposit in Rupiah for individuals and non-individuals whose withdrawals can be made at any time by using a check, giro or other valid means of payment orders.
Get the benefits of current account services.
Friendly and reliable service for the needs of customers and SME businesses
Transaction can be made in every branch of Nobu Bank
Your funds are included in the Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS) guarantee program.
A. Individual customers
B. Corporate Customers
Product | Tiering Nominal | Rata (p.a.) |
Nobu Giro | Rp 1 - < Rp 100 juta | 0,00% |
Rp 100 juta - < Rp 1 miliar | 0,25% | |
≥ Rp 1 miliar | 0,50% |
No | Deskripsi | Biaya / Keterangan |
1 | Setoran awal pembukaan rekening | Rp1.000.000,- |
2 | Saldo minimum mengendap | - |
3 | Biaya administrasi bulanan | Rp30.000,- |
4 | Biaya tutup rekening giro | Rp30.000,- |
5 | Biaya buku BG / cek | Rp285.000,- |
6 | Biaya Statement | Rp5.000,-/lembar/rekening |
7 | Metode perhitungan suku bunga | Dihitung dari saldo harian |
8 | Biaya tolakan kliring | Rp120.000,- |
9 | Pembatalan cek (stop payment) | Rp120.000,- |
10 | Pembayaran bunga ke rekening | Setiap awal bulan |
11 | Pembebanan biaya administrasi | Setiap awal bulan |
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