Perorangan-Nobu Giro


Current Account for the convenience of your business transactions.

Nobu Giro is a third party fund deposit in Rupiah for individuals and non-individuals whose withdrawals can be made at any time by using a check, giro or other valid means of payment orders.


Current account service

Get the benefits of current account services.

Customer and Business Needs

Friendly and reliable service for the needs of customers and SME businesses

Transaction Location

Transaction can be made in every branch of Nobu Bank

Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS)

Your funds are included in the Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS) guarantee program.


  • Initial deposit IDR 1,000,000,-
  • Fill out the Account Opening Application.
  • Attach identity cards and documents as follows:

A. Individual customers

  • Attach a valid Identity Card.
  • Indonesian Citizen : A valid Identity Card in the form of KTP or Passport.
  • Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP).
  • Not listed on the current Bank Indonesia blacklist.
  • Reference Letters from Account Officers / Bank Customers / Reference Letters from other Banks including Copy of Account Statements for the last 3 months.
  • Depositing funds, at least the nominal value specified as the initial deposit.

B. Corporate Customers

  • Identity Card (KTP, SIM, Passport) of each person in charge of the company
  • Company's NPWP.
  • SIUP (Trade Business License).
  • Business Identification Number (NIB) and/or Company Registration Certificate (TDP).
  • Letters of reference.
  • Latest Deed of Establishment and Change of Company.
  • Statutes (copy of state news)
  • Not listed in the valid BI blacklist.
  • General Power of Attorney.
  • Sign a statement stating that:
    • The deed of establishment and the changes submitted are the last.
    • Approval for opening a checking account.
    • Power of Attorney Terms of signature on the current account.
    • Specimen signature of a member of the Board of Directors authorized to represent the company or party authorized to conduct business relations with the Bank.
    • For prospective customers in the form of foundations or associations, the identity document that must be requested is a deed of establishment that has been ratified by the competent authority and/or in the form of a permit for the field of activity/purpose of the foundation or a letter that has been registered as an association.

Suku Bunga

Product Tiering Nominal Rata (p.a.)
Nobu Giro Rp 1 - < Rp 100 juta 0,00%
Rp 100 juta - < Rp 1 miliar 0,25%
≥ Rp 1 miliar 0,50%

Tarif & Layanan

No Deskripsi Biaya / Keterangan
1 Setoran awal pembukaan rekening Rp1.000.000,-
2 Saldo minimum mengendap -
3 Biaya administrasi bulanan Rp30.000,-
4 Biaya tutup rekening giro Rp30.000,-
5 Biaya buku BG / cek Rp285.000,-
6 Biaya Statement Rp5.000,-/lembar/rekening
7 Metode perhitungan suku bunga Dihitung dari saldo harian
8 Biaya tolakan kliring Rp120.000,-
9 Pembatalan cek (stop payment) Rp120.000,-
10 Pembayaran bunga ke rekening Setiap awal bulan
11 Pembebanan biaya administrasi Setiap awal bulan